According to Chinese Medical theory, human beings have a natural flow of energy, or Qi (pronounced “chee”), throughout the body. Good health of body and mind depends on the smooth flow of Qi circulating in energy pathways called meridians. Pain and disease occur when there is imbalance, deficiency or blockage of the energy.
Acupuncture uses fine, hair-thin acupuncture filaments at points along these pathways to help unblock and re-balance the body’s natural energy. Well-balanced and freely circulating Qi helps return the body and mind to its innate vitality and health.
The risks of acupuncture are minimal, but the results are often magical and can help even the most debilitating diseases and health conditions.
Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine is an effective, safe and valid form of treatment alongside mainstream western medicine and other alternative therapies.
back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, knee pain, migraine, tension, sinus or cluster headaches, joint or arthritis pain
or other mood disorders
PMS, Irregular or Painful Periods, Infertility, Menopause-related problems like hot flashes and insomnia
ED, Prostate health, Hypertension
Abdominal Bloating, Gas, Constipation, Colitis, Diarrhea, Constipation, IBS, Acid Reflux
Fine Lines and Wrinkles, Sagging Facial Muscles, etc.
for Weight Loss, Smoking Cessation, Immune System Disorders, Chemo or Radiation for Cancer, Energy Enhancement, Preventive Health and Well Being
asthma, sinusitis, shortness of breath, allergies, recurring bouts of colds or bronchitis
urinary tract infections, incontinence, frequent or urgent urination
high blood pressure, palpitations, edema
ED, Prostate health, Hypertension
Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s, myositis, chronic fatigue syndrome, cancer treatment support
Cindy offers supportive therapy for energy enhancement, healthy immune system functioning, Cancer treatment support and preventive health and wellbeing.
Cindy has been my acupuncturist for over a decade. During that time she has helped me de-stress, recover from surgeries and broken bones and treated specific problems as they occurred. Just in the past few months, those have included sinus congestion, sore back and shoulders from shoveling snow and the ever-present “spending too many hours at a desk-itis”. Her treatment plan often includes specific exercises to practice at home.
During the time I have known her, she has consistently added to her expertise with courses to expand her knowledge or enhance her techniques. I consider her office an oasis of calm.
Call or Email Cindy today to see if acupuncture is right for you.