Here is a partial list of women’s health problems that can be treated with acupuncture:
Proper hormonal functioning depends on the smooth flow of energy (Qi), blood and fluids in your system. PMS, cramping or moodiness are signs that there is blockage or stagnation. Everything from menstrual irregularity or other difficulties with your period, PMS, pregnancy related morning sickness and back pain to infertility or menopausal symptoms are treated very well in Cindy’s office. While focusing on your particular symptoms, Cindy treats the underlying causes and imbalances in your system as well.
Studies have shown that acupuncture improves ovulation rates and regularity in women, and increases sperm count and motility in men.
Acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine can be used alone or together with western medical techniques such as IUI, IVF, GIFT or ZIFT, to enhance the effectiveness and reduce cost. Pregnancy becomes easier to achieve and sustain, miscarriage is reduced, breech position can be changed and delayed labor can be treated. Post-partum recuperation is faster, so that you have more energy and your emotions are more balanced.