Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture

Acupuncture - Facial rejuvenation

Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture, also known as Cosmetic Acupuncture, Acupuncture Facial Rejuvenation or Acupuncture Facelift is a fantastic way to look and feel years younger.

Although Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture is one of the hottest esthetic treatments used today, it is not a new practice. It had its’ origins thousands of years ago. The women in the Emperor’s court used it to enhance their beauty and gain his admiration. Cindy has tailored it to your 21st Century lifestyle so that you can look and feel younger for that special occasion - or just look great every day!

Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture not only reduces the outward signs of aging that appear on the face, it carries the many health promoting benefits regular acupuncture offers for your mind and body.

Cindy E. Levitz, L.Ac. is additionally trained and certified in this special technique. Using a combination of local and constitutional treatments, she addresses the external and internal manifestations of aging on your face. The sessions are effective, comfortable and affordable. When your internal energy flow is improved, you look better and have a healthy glow.

Here are some of the benefits you can achieve with a Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture series:

  • Help to reduce or eliminate fine lines and wrinkles
  • Help to reduce or eliminate bags and dark circles under the eyes
  • Decrease the tendency toward sagging cheeks and jowls
  • Reduce or eliminate double chins
  • Help lift drooping eyelids
  • Moisturize the skin by increasing local circulation of blood and lymph to your face
  • Improve facial color by increasing peripheral circulation
  • Improve acne or dry skin by improving hormonal balance
  • Brighten your eyes and tighten your pores
  • Improve muscle tone and dermal contraction
  • Improve collagen production and dispersal
  • Reduce signs of stress on your face and feel more relaxed internally
  • Slow the process of aging from within
  • Bring out your innate beauty and radiance
  • Promote overall health and wellbeing

Women and men choose Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture as an effective alternative to surgical facelifts, though it is not a replacement for surgery in certain situations. It is less costly, safe and there is no risk of disfigurement.

Many models and people in the theater, film or TV now choose Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture to improve their appearance because there is no loss of facial expression, as there is with Botox for instance. It is very comfortable and relaxing as well.

I started seeing Cindy for Facial Acupuncture because when I looked in the mirror I felt old. After several treatments, I was pleasantly surprised when people said that I looked really good. They didn’t know why…but, I knew that it was because of the work that I’ve been doing with Cindy. The wrinkles on my forehead, sagging cheeks and deep furrows beside my nostrils are all reduced substantially. The best part is that after a visit I feel relaxed and like I’ve been on vacation!